MetsHdr Digitisation profile

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Every METS document should include the header section metsHdr. The header supplies information concerning the METS document itself and NOT the digital object. Every METS metsHdr should include the following attributes:

  • ID, an XML ID for every METS object. It will be formed from the ID for the METS document with the abbreviation for the header.
Examples: ID="GSFhdr1"; ID="DUChdr1"; ID="BWPhdr1".
  • CREATEDATE, date and time of the document's creation.
Example: CREATEDATE="2003-02-27T17:00:00"
  • LASTMODDATE, date and time the METS document was last modified.
Example: LASTMODDATE="2003-03-04T13:00:01"
  • RECORDSTATUS, a string noting the status of the document. It can include various vaues, but the following are values that should be used: “draft” (when the METS document is in the process of being drafted), “hidden” (when the drafting of the document is complete but it is not to be published), and “public” (when the docuemnt ready for publication).
Examples: RECORDSTATUS="hidden"; RECORDSTATUS="public";


The metsHdr should also include multiple agent elements recording those responsible for various aspects of the METS document's creation and distribution

  • agent,
this element is used to keep track of all who have responsibility for the document from creation to dissemination. This element will be repeated to declare the various responsibilities associated with a METS document. Typically an NLW METS document will include elements for the person(s) responsible for creating/editing a document and the Library as custodian and disseminator. This element will have the following attributes.:
  • ID, and XML ID which is formed from the ID for the METS documents with the name of the element. [Could NLW keep one list of IDs for all those who work with METS documents?]
Examples: ID="GFSagent1"; ID="DUCagent3"
  • ROLE, typically, the attribute will include one of the optional values supplied by the schema: CREATOR, EDITOR, ARCHIVIST, PRESERVATION, DISSEMINATOR, CUSTODIAN or IPOWNER. If a different value is required then use value OTHER for the ROLE attribute and record the value(s) using the OTHERROLE attribute.
  • TYPE, this attribute will include a declaration if the agent is an INDIVIDUAL or ORGANIZATION. If neither is appicable then OTHER is used and which is defined in greater detail in OTHERTYPE attribute below.
<METS:name>Gareth Wyn Davies</METS:name>
<METS:name>Lyn Léwis Dafis</METS:name>
<METS:name>Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru : The National Library of Wales</METS:name>
  • OTHERTYPE, when attribute TYPE="Other" then further details are provided in OTHERTYPE attribute. NLW uses the following values GROUP, SOFTWARE.

AGENT IDs used in NLW along with names and descriptions to include in notes element

WlAbNL-1CUSTODIANORGANIZATIONLlyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru : The National Library of Wales
WlAbNL-2DISSEMINATORORGANIZATIONLlyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru : The National Library of Wales
SCIFCREATOROTHERNewspaper and magazine digitisation projectMETS template creaion date: August 2011
SIP_creationCREATOROTHERNational Library of Wales Newspaper and Magazine Digitisation Project METS Generation Programversion ##TO_FILL##
JINGESTEDITOROTHERJIngestSoftware developed by The National Library of Wales in order to merge data from Jouve with data already held.
JOUVEEDITORORGANIZATIONJouveExternal company used in order to create OCR and enhance METS documents.
INGESTCREATOROTHERNational Library of Wales Newspaper and Magazine Digitisation Project METS Ingest Programversion ##TO_FILL##
PANDAEDITOROTHERPost AcquisitioN Data Arrangementversion ##TO_FILL## Metadata editor tool created by NLW in order to correct/enhance metadata at stage 2