Class 1 object dmdSec

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Class 1 object

The METS document will include three dmdSec elements:

  1. dmdSec1 Basic decriptive information in MODS encoding, derived from the MARC21 record on Virtua, supplied data or from existing METS document.
  2. dmdSec2 A pointer to the OAI-PMH metadata stream stored separately in Vital.
  3. dmdSec3 Premis identifier, old name of object/file


Include ID for dmdSec.

The information in this dmdSec is derived from the MARC21 catalogue for the object in Virtua. Data will be extracted from the MARC21 catalogue using the following tools: MARC21>MARCXML and MARCXML>MODS.

The following metadata elements derived from the MARC21 record for digitised objects:

mods:title element derived from MARC21 tag 245;
mods:name element will be derived from MARC21 tag 100, 110, 111, 130.

The following metadata elements will be derived as described for digitised objects:

mods:typeOfResource element, from supplied data or from existing METS document;
mods:originInfo element, derived from MARC21 tag 533, or from supplied data or from existing METS document;
mods:form element, from supplied data or from existing METS document;
mods:reformattingQuality element, from supplied data or from existing METS document;
mods:digitalOrigin element, from supplied data or from existing METS document;
mods:recordIdentifier element, handle of METS document.
:<METS:dmdSec ID="dmdSec1">
::::::<mods:title>Siân Phillips</mods:title>
::::::<mods:subTitle>electronic version</mods:subTitle>
::::::<mods:name authority="naf" type="personal">
:::::::<mods:displayForm>Griffiths, David, 1939- </mods:displayForm>
::::::<mods:typeOfResource>still image</mods:typeOfResource>
::::::<mods:form>electronic resource</mods:form>
::::::<mods:digitalOrigin>reformatted digital</mods:digitalOrigin>
::::::<mods:recordIdentifier source="WlAbNL">###handle_for_METS_document###</mods:recordIdentifier>


Include ID for dmdSec.

A pointer to the OAI-PMH metadata stream stored separately in Vital.


<METS:dmdSec ID="dmdSec2">
::<METS:mdRef LOCTYPE="HANDLE" MDTYPE="DC" xlink:href="hdl:12.3456/DC12345" xlink:type="simple"/>


Include ID for dmdSec.

This dmd is used for Premis information about the object's identity. This basically identifies the object at its category. For all our digitised object that will be file.

This dmd element is use to record the name of an object before the handle was assigned.


<METS:dmdSec ID="dmdSec3">