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METS in the VITAL Implementation

For the Vital implementation our principle is that all resource discovery will be through Virtua with a pointer to the digital object or collection in Vital and that every object in Vital will be managed by means of metadata stored in METS documents.

For the digitised materials from the Library's collection we face a range of existing metadata in varied forms. All of this will have to be migrated and conform to the standards adopted for the Virtua-Vital implementation.

For the METS documents which will manage the digitised object we need to prepare various frameworks, or more correctly in METSspeak, Profiles. These will vary with the various 'classes' of digitise materials to deal with depending on various characteristics:

  • is it a simple digital object?
  • is it a complex digital object?
  • is there a MARC21 record for the object?
  • is there a 1 to 1 or a 1 to many relationship between the MARC21 record and the object(s)?
  • is there a METS document for the object?
  • is there a METS document for the collection?
  • is it a collection of objects?

In addition we need to populate the METS documents by migrating existing data in its various forms by mapping that to our METS profiles.

METS Profile Names Definitions and Naming Conventions--Vicky Phillips 14:56, 11 September 2012 (BST)

Classes of objects
Digitisation METS profile